To determine which PHP modules are loaded and possibly configure which modules you want to load or not, you need to log into your :
- In the"SOFTWARE" tab, click on the"Select a PHP version" icon;
- Once in the"PHP Selector", you will see the list of loaded modules (checked).
Note: If you are using the native version, which is the default behavior, you will not see the list of loaded modules because you do not have the ability to select the modules to load/unload. In this case, use instead the PHP function phpinfo(INFO_MODULES); or get_loaded_extensions(); to list the modules loaded in one of your PHP scripts.
In other words, you don't have the possibility to select the modules to be loaded by PHP for the native version, but only if you have selected another version.
You can then select the modules you wish to load (checked) or unload (unchecked) for your PHP configuration. This configuration will affect all the sites hosted in your account, without distinction.
If you wish to return to the initial default configuration, click on the"Use Defaults" button.
If you have activated or deactivated modules, don't forget to click on the"Save" button at the bottom left for your new configuration to take effect.